Professional Weather for Everyone.
The most comprehensive, customizable suite of weather products available.
Try it for free No credit card required to sign upAccess high quality,
real-time and forecast data
With thousands of graphic and text products, we have all the weather you could ever need in one place. Plus, our weather products are made available on the website almost immediately after we receive it. That is why we are "the fastest weather on the web.”

Level II, III & MRMS

GOES 16 & 18
Satellite imagery

Model Forecasts

Build your own maps
and dashboards
And much, much more...
Explore all the features
Reviews & Testimonials

What our customers have to say

Emergency Management
Make the right decisions
And we mean more than just deciding if you need a jacket or an umbrella. Our suite of weather products help you make informed decisions. Schedule your crews so you don’t waste time or resources. Prepare for a severe weather event and mobilize your response. Keep your family, your workers and your community safe because you know the weather ahead.
How weatherTAP can benefit your agency
Track Storms
Track severe weather to any location
Use our customizable RadarLab® software to track storms right to your doorstep. Multiple features allow you to track severe weather down to street-level, so you know to take cover or if the storm will pass you by. You can also set up custom locations and be alerted when storms are approaching.
Start tracking weather now

Complete Weather Suite
Or do you just love weather?
We have thousands of weather products for you to enjoy.
Explore real-time and forecast data
Access maps that meteorologists use to predict the weather

Unrestricted Access
Utilize your weather tools anywhere

No ads, just weather
You read that right. Zero ads. No annoying pop-ups. No autoplay videos. No sidebar ads making weather maps smaller. No having to scroll past ads for information. Ever.

Cross-platform compatibility
All you need is an internet connected device and you can access thousands of weather products on your desktop, laptop, tablet or phone.
