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weatherTAP Offers Hourly Forecasts

For Immediate Release: Nov. 2, 2009

View temperature, precipitation, winds and more

WeatherTAP.com subscribers now have access to hourly forecasts, projecting up to 63 hours into the future with temperautre, type of weather, percentage of precipitation, dewpoint and more.

The hourly forecasts are created using model data, and are updated on an hourly basis. For each hour the user can view the temperature, type of weather, percentage of precipitation, the "feels like" temperature, dewpoint, relative humidity, wind direction and wind speed.

Sample of button for hourly forecastsThe user can access this data by doing a forecast search for a given area and then clicking on the "Click Here For Hourly Forecast" button listed just under the Current Conditions. The user will then be presented with the next 5 hours of forecast data.

There are left and right arrow buttons listed under the hourly forecast data that can be used to scroll through all the data. Just press the right arrow button to load up the next 5 hours of forecast data.

sample image of hourly forecasts on weatherTAP.com

Contact WeatherTAP.com Developers For More Information

Lead developers for WeatherTAP.com are available for interview about this new feature, or WeatherTAP.com in general. WeatherTAP.com has twice been name "Best of the Web" by Forbes Magazine, and has been known since its inception as "the fastest weather on the Web" as the leader in real-time radar imagery, completely ad-free.

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